Hangover IV Recovery

Bounce Back Fast

Get the relief you need with a Hangover IV

Feeling the after-effects of a wild night out?

Our hangover IV recovery service is here to save you the day! With our custom blend of hydration, vitamins, and minerals, we’ll have you feeling like a brand new you in no time. Say goodbye to the headache, nausea, and fatigue – and hello to feeling amazing. Book your appointment now!

A smiling asian woman in a green shirt at an IV drip bar.

Popular Services

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

Hangover IV Drip

It’s not just dehydration that gets you down after a long night, but it certainly is a large part of it. Come get all you need in one drip!

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.


Injections are great for Hangovers too. Get some of those vitamin levels back up, and fast!

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.


Keep some of these supplements in the kitchen cupboard and you won’t be so sorry on that next time out.

Health hacks that'll make you feel new

Only the Best

We use only the best, medical-grade equipment and products to give you the quality and safety you deserve.

Outstanding in our Field

IV Nutrition clinics have the expertise and experience to make you feel like yourself again, or dare we say, even better!

Skilled Practitioners

We provide personalized recommendations and ongoing support to help you bounce back quickly.

Get Blood Testing at IV Nutrition

Feeling deficient or just a little off? Get tested!

Needing a little boost or deep reserves?


Looking for a pick-me-up to just take the edge off? Come in for a quick 30 minute or less Hangover IV recovery drip filled with nutrients to help you get back to it.

Hydration Drips

These are Full IV Drips for hangovers that can bring you upright again. They provide deep Hydration and Electrolytes, just what the body ordered.

Hydration Plus Drips

Don’t want to mess around? Try one of our Hydration Plus Drips for your hangover, which includes hydration plus high-dose nutrients. Many have told us this drip has “brought them back from the dead.”

IV clients reach their optimal health goals

We didn't just fall off the turnip truck

Years of experience in healthcare has taught us what the body truly needs for optimal health and wellbeing.

We also know how to have a little fun too! Come see why.

A woman receiving nutritional IV therapy while talking to a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Magnesium helps relax blood vessels, which can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches. When delivered intravenously, the magnesium can reach higher levels in the body more quickly, without the digestive upset. This provides faster and more effective relief from headaches, one of the most common hangover recovery requests.

Typically, relief can be felt within 15 minutes or up to an 1 hour after the infusion, depending on the severity. However, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate and effective therapy plan for your specific needs.

Of course! We have multiple solutions for nausea, including ondansetron. Come talk with our experts to see which IV is perfect for you.

A liquid IV is water and essential nutrients delivered more efficiently to the body. It contains a mix of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals, which are designed to help replenish what the body loses through dehydration or exertion.

    A green leaf with the letter v on it, symbolizing vitamin injection.