IV Hydration Bar

A Hydrated Body is a Happy Body

There’s nothing else like IV hydration

At IV Nutrition, our IV hydration therapy delivers fluids and electrolytes directly into your bloodstream for faster, more effective hydration.

Whether you’re recovering from illness, training for a competition, or just in need of a boost, our customized solutions from our IV hydration bar can help you achieve optimal hydration and overall wellbeing.

A smiling asian woman in a green shirt at an IV drip bar.

What We Do

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

Hydration for Recovery

You just need to hydrate, period. With an IV hydration drip, you can get everything you need to replenish your cells, water, electrolytes, minerals.

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

IV Hydration & Nutrient Drips

Want to take your hydration even further? Add some high quality nutrients to the mix! Try our Hydration Plus services to take hydration to the next level.

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

Supplements and Injections

We can’t hydrate on just water alone; we need essential minerals and nutrient to get the water to absorb into the cells. Supplements and Injections can help replenish electrolytes and other nutrients when you need them.

IV Hydration is our Jam

The Liquid Masters

Our licensed healthcare professionals are the hydration heroes you never knew you needed. With expert knowledge and experience, they’ll hook you up with the perfect drip to quench your thirst.

The H2O HQ

Our IV hydration bar uses top-quality, medical-grade equipment and products to ensure you get the best drip for you.

The Hydration Squad

We’re not just about the drip. Our personalized recommendations and ongoing education will keep you hydrated and feeling like you’re being well cared for and in good hands.

Wellness Blood Testing

Want to take a deeper dive into what’s going with your body? IV Nutrition can help.

IV Hydration Service Levels

Full IV Hydration Drips

Hydrate from within and feel revitalized with our specialized IV Hydration services. Not just a bag of fluid, these are packed with electrolytes and other vital nutrients.

IV Hydration Packages

Discover our IV and Injection packages for optimal hydration and nutrient supplementation. Rapidly rehydrate, rejuvenate, and boost energy with tailor-made drip.
alex bertha after IV infusion

We're not just water warriors

At IV Nutrition, we understand that every body is unique.

That’s why we offer personalized solutions to hydrate you down to the cellular level. With our expert care and customized recommendations, optimal health is within reach.

A woman receiving nutritional IV therapy while talking to a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

During an IV Hydration Service appointment at an IV bar near you, you will receive an IV infusion of the electrolyte solution. The infusion process is typically quick and relatively painless, and you may feel a slight pressure or discomfort at the IV insertion site. The infusion will last for several minutes to several hours, depending on your individual needs.

Most healthy adults are eligible for an IV Service. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if this service is appropriate for you, especially if you have a medical condition or are taking medications.

The Electrolyte Infusion works by introducing fluids, electrolytes, and minerals directly into the bloodstream. This allows for faster and more effective hydration, as well as the delivery of essential nutrients and minerals to the body. The infusion helps balance the blood, oxygenate cells, and improve circulation for immediate and long-lasting benefits.

    A green leaf with the letter v on it, symbolizing vitamin injection.