Functional Health Evaluations

Understanding & Supporting Your Health

Dive deeper into your health goals

At IV Nutrition, our functional health evaluations take a comprehensive look at all systems of the body, brain health, skin, bones, hormone levels, blood sugar, liver health, and much more.

Using naturopathic and functional nutritional therapy approaches, combined with high-level blood testing, we identify underlying imbalances and create a personalized plan to optimize your health. Our Functional Health Evaluations are an additional service offered by IV Nutrition and start with blood testing in the clinic. Ask your clinic about how to get started!

healthy woman

Functional Health Evaluations

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

Basic Health Screens

We believe that by providing you with comprehensive testing options and actionable information, you can make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards your well-being.   This is why with every one of our testing panels we include a review of the data with one of our Functional Health practitioners via a virtual consult.

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

Preventative or Acute Condition Testing

Wanting to prevent a future health issue or have a symptom pop up that you’d like to investigate?. Spend some time with one of our Nutritional Therapy practitioners who can help guide you in the best direction.

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

Chronic Condition Testing and Reviews

With our array of blood work and other testing options we can really take a look at your overall health. In our high level review we will talk about what you have tried in the past, what has worked and what hasn’t, and go over everything we find in the results. We know how complicated the human body can be, our goal is to simplify the journey back to health for you.

From Supplements to Hormones, we can give high level guidance on your next steps

Supplement Review

Whether you are just starting out with supplements or you are looking to clean out that cabinet full of them, we can help give you some sound advice on where to start and what to prioritize.

Food sensitivity panels

Our food sensitivity panels utilize quantitative analysis of specific immunoglobins (IgG, IgA, and IgG4) for accurate results.
Testing for food sensitivities using immunoglobins helps identify triggering foods and guide personalized dietary interventions for improved health and symptom relief.

A person getting a vitamin injection.
Let us help you get to the bottom of things

Whether you know exactly what you need to be tested or you don’t know where to start, we are here to guide you

Schedule a virtual evaluation with one of skilled clinicians and we can help you discover the best route for you, whether it be high level blood testing, nutrient supplementation, lifestyle changes or diet and exercise.  The human body is a complex system and through a functional nutritional therapy approach we look at the all the organs and body in a holistic way, making sure we’re not just covering up concerns but getting to the root of things.

We have a unique perspective on Healthcare

We harness the power of comprehensive blood panels to delve into the underlying causes of your health concerns. This allows us to create personalized healing plans that provide you with the specific nutrients your body needs.

Our commitment to safety and comfort is unwavering. We use only the finest medical-grade equipment and nutrients, ensuring a clean and comfortable environment for your therapy.

We believe that achieving optimal wellness is a partnership between you and our healthcare team. That’s why we empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to reach your health goals, guiding you every step of the way.

Don’t Guess, Test

Look to IV Nutrition for blood testing services.

Pinpointing the Problem

Our top priority at IV Nutrition is to empower you to make informed decisions regarding which IVs, injections, or supplements will best meet your unique needs. Allow us to serve as your trusted guide on your path to optimal health.

A woman receiving nutritional IV therapy while talking to a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Functional Health Evaluation goes beyond the scope of a regular medical check-up by taking a more comprehensive and individualized approach to healthcare. It considers the whole person and takes into account factors such as lifestyle, environment, emotional and spiritual health, as well as physical health, in order to provide a more personalized and holistic health plan.

Anyone can benefit from a Functional Health Evaluation, as it can help identify underlying health issues that may be impacting their quality of life. It is particularly beneficial for individuals who are interested in optimizing their health and wellbeing, as it can provide personalized recommendations for improving physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It can also be beneficial for individuals with chronic health conditions who are looking for a more comprehensive and holistic approach to managing their health.

During a Functional Health Evaluation, you can expect to discuss your medical history, lifestyle habits, and any current health concerns. You may also undergo  blood tests, and other diagnostic tests to assess your overall health. Based on the results of the evaluation, a personalized plan will be developed that may include recommendations for changes to diet and lifestyle, supplements, IV nutrient therapy, and other holistic protocols.

    A green leaf with the letter v on it, symbolizing vitamin injection.