IV Weight Loss Therapy

Find Your Way to a Healthy Weight

Getting to a healthy weight with IV Weight Loss Therapy

IV Nutrition understands reaching a healthy weight that feels good for you as a complex and challenging health goal.

Our customized IV weight loss therapy plans are designed to support healthy weight loss by optimizing metabolism, increasing energy levels, and promoting overall wellness. Let our expert practitioners work with you to achieve your weight loss goals and unlock your full potential.

A smiling asian woman in a green shirt at an IV drip bar.

How We Help with Weight Loss

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.

IV Drips

IV drips help nutrients get into all those nooks and crannies where they can start to effect some change. Break those fat stores down and convert them to energy.

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.


Weight loss injections enable the continuous support of fat-burning processes throughout the entire month. Come get regular boosts for sustained changes.

A green leaf with nutritional iv therapy.


Supplements can assist in addressing the underlying factors that initially led to your body’s fat storage. These help balance sugar cravings and stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting.

Dedicated to helping you with your goals

Knowledge and Experience

Our team of licensed healthcare professionals has extensive knowledge and experience to provide you with personalized IV weight loss therapy that fits your unique needs.

Quality and Safety

We take quality and safety seriously, using only high-quality, medical-grade equipment and products in a clean, comfortable, and relaxing environment.

Empowered Solutions

We also believe that education and support are crucial to your success. That’s why we empower our clients with personalized recommendations and ongoing support to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. We’re here to help you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.

Get Your Levels Tested

IV Nutrition can do comprehensive blood testing to look at everything from blood sugar levels to hormones and much more.

Meeting You Where You Are

Hydration Plus Drips & Injections

Our Hydration Plus Drips and Injections contribute to weight loss by gradually targeting fat reserves and boosting cellular energy levels. This improves your metabolism, endurance, and athletic performance, leading to weight loss and less fatigue.

Full IV Drips & Injections

Our full IV drips paired with injections provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals along with deep hydration and detoxification. Not only will you start burning off extra pounds, you’ll also experience the benefits of regulated blood sugars and increased energy levels.

Weight Loss IV & Injection Packages

Our weight loss packages accelerate your weight loss goals while maximizing your workout gains—without adding an extra day of exercise or radically altering your meal plan.

Zoe Deal for IV Infusion

We won't stick it to you

Utilizing our years of experience in Functional nutritional therapy and holistic systems thinking, we address your whole body from hormones to toxin load and gut issues. We strive to partner with you on your health journey, empowering you along the way with the knowledge and tools to succeed.

A woman receiving nutritional IV therapy while talking to a doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

IV Nutrition’s IV service for weight loss by provides the body with the necessary nutrients to convert fat stores into energy, which helps burn off excess pounds. Additionally, it helps regulate blood sugars, which can lead to improved energy levels and a healthier lifestyle.

Yes! IV weight loss therapy is safe when administered by a trained medical professional. However, as with any medical therapy, it is important to inform the practitioner of any medical conditions or allergies before the IV is administered.

The amount of weight loss will vary from person to person and depends on several factors such as diet, exercise, and overall health. While this nutrient IV service provides the body with the necessary nutrients to convert fat stores into energy and promote weight loss, it is not a guarantee for a specific amount of weight loss. It is important to remember that sustainable weight loss requires a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise.

    A green leaf with the letter v on it, symbolizing vitamin injection.